Our Strength

At Action Climate Plus Zambia Limited, we are proud of our commitment to sustainability and making a significant contribution to the fight against climate change and poverty. With our expertise and dedication to sustainability, we are well-positioned to continue delivering innovative and impactful projects that benefit both the environment and society.

Our Core Buisness

Action Climate Plus Zambia Limited provides support and technical expertise to enable farmers and local communities, public and private institutions, as well as the government to access carbon markets through project development, certification, and sale of carbon credits. This is to benefit mainly local communities across the country. We also provide opportunities for linking local businesses to global investors through our vast network of investors around the world.

Technical Support

Technical support includes providing training, resources, and expertise to help communities develop the skills and knowledge they need to improve their livelihoods

Financial Support

We also provide financial support to the communities that we operate in. This support comes with financial literacy training on how the beneficiaries can manage their financial resources better as well as promote financial inclusion.